About team Medicart

A passion for helping others reach new heights

Sport and physical activity have played a key role throughout Julie’s impressive career. Being active has allowed her to adopt a healthy lifestyle, stay disciplined, manage stress more effectively and cultivate a strong circle of friends outside her professional network.

In the last two years, Medicart, a company that promotes the adoption of a healthy lifestyle and has many fitness-oriented employees, used the Challenge as both a team building exercise and a way to support a great cause.

Julie’s daughter, Ann-Victoria, with whom she participates in the FitSpirit Mother/Daughter Challenge since 2020, also has an active lifestyle. In addition to her dance training, she also practices freestyle skiing. Julie believes that in order to keep girls moving, it’s important to motivate them, provide them with the tools to succeed and serve as a role model for them.

Julie has always felt driven to push her personal limits and to inspire others to do the same. In addition to being a leader, lawyer and president of a company, she’s a committed philanthropist who’s highly involved in the community. As a member of SME advisory boards, Julie has assisted hundreds of young entrepreneurs. She also advocates for women’s professional success as the ambassador and co-founder of the Leadership au féminin program. Additionally, she supports various causes and sits on a number of other boards, including the Conseil du statut de la femme and the Conseil de l’avancement de la Faculté administration at Université Laval.

Thanks to all donors!
  • Donors Amount
  • Vivier Pharma Inc. $1,030
  • BNC Financière Banque Nationale $1,000
  • Malenfant Dallaire SENCRL $1,000
  • Walter Capital Partenaires Inc. $1,000
  • CGI Inc. $1,000
  • Agence Dialekta Inc. $500
  • Candela Medical $258
  • Amplio Stratégies $258
  • Jean-Francois Bussiere $258
  • Vézina Assurances Inc $258
  • Catapulte communication $258
  • Cain Lamarre SENCRL $250
  • Medicart $210
  • Vincent Girard $100
  • View more
List of sub-teams
Donor comments
  • MC
    Maxime Couture

    Bravo à toute l'équipe! Catapulte est heureuse de vous accompagner !

    3 years ago • 2021-07-06 14:34:02
  • JB
    Joel Bélanger

    Nous sommes fiers de pouvoir vous encourager! Belle Initiative!

    De la part de, Mathieu Gagnon & Vézina Assurances Inc

    3 years ago • 2021-05-04 13:29:01
  • VG
    Vincent Girard

    Bonne chance Julie!

    3 years ago • 2021-04-26 22:35:55
  • JB
    Jean-Francois Bussiere

    Felicitation Julie et toute ton équipe de chez Medicart pour cette initiative. TELUS est derriere vous pour cette cause

    3 years ago • 2021-04-20 16:26:28
  • A
    Anonymous donor

    Encore cette année, illuxi sera au rendez-vous pour supporter l'équipe Médicart pour la cause de Fillactive.
    C'est Geneviève Desautels qui réalisera le défi avec ses filles Mathilde 14 ans et Myriam 10 ans.

    3 years ago • 2021-04-13 13:54:22
  • YM
    Yannick Manuri

    Félicitations pour votre implication dans cette belle cause.
    ❤️ Medicart

    3 years ago • 2021-04-12 12:21:43