Hill+Knowlton Stratégies

About team Hill+Knowlton Stratégies

FitSpirit is pleased to present this team's leader as part of the 2022 edition of the FitSpirit Mother/Daughter Challenge:

Isabelle Verreault
Senior Vice-President and General Manager, Quebec

Physical activity, a safety valve to a frenetic pace of life

Involved in the FitSpirit Mother/Daughter Challenge for the past four years, Isabelle is the mother of three children, two of them girls: 21-year-old Clémence and 10-year-old Sofia. Physical activity is essential to maintaining her balance. Over the years, she has participated in sports at varying levels of intensity through pregnancies and various professional challenges. Sport enables her to enhance her well-being, diminish stress, put things in perspective and find answers to difficult questions. Regardless of duration or intensity, any type of physical activity is beneficial and should be valued.

The issue around young girls and the practice of physical activity compels her to get involved. At home, Isabelle and her spouse have always encouraged sport. Despite this, she notes that this is a generational problem, which requires tackling! Isabelle wishes to serve as a role model for her daughters by passing on to them the enjoyment of being active. Over the last years, she has exposed them to various sports to broaden their horizons, develop their interests, boost their self-esteem and, maybe, discover a new passion. She is happy to see that both of them are very active today and enjoy activity.

Her participation in the first three editions of the FitSpirit Mother/Daughter Challenge was a joyful adventure, both in the weeks of preparation before the event and on D-Day. Tackling the challenge with her two daughters, her colleagues, the FitSpirit team and the other participants was a true pleasure. A great adventure that is renewed once again this year.

Since May 2016, Isabelle has been the Senior Vice President and General Manager for Quebec at Hill+Knowlton Strategies. She has over 20 years of experience in project management and strategic communications. She has worked in the financial sector for 10 years where she has held various management positions and participated in numerous economic development initiatives in the Montreal area. In 2006, she co-founded Acertys, which was acquired in 2016 by Hill+Knowlton Strategies. Isabelle loves to create, push her boundaries and make an impact. She is very engaged in servicing her community. She also sits on the Boards of the Quebec Mining Association (QMA) and the Alliance des cabinets de relations publiques du Québec (ACRPQ). She is delighted to be involved with FitSpirit for the fourth year!

Thanks to all donors!
  • Donors Amount
  • Jean-Yves Verreault $103
  • Suzanne Girard $103
  • 3159680 CANADA INC. $1,545
  • Eliane Larouche $103
  • Chevrier Consultations $25
List of sub-teams
Donor comments
  • SG
    Suzanne Girard

    Bravo à toute l’équipe pour son implication!

    1 year ago • 2022-08-17 10:25:43
  • EL
    Eliane Larouche

    GO girls!

    1 year ago • 2022-08-09 11:03:21
  • CC
    Caroline Chevrier

    Go,Go,Go H+K!

    2 years ago • 2022-07-06 08:32:55