A woman motivated to be more active
Nancy freely admits that she is no role model when it comes to fitness. Even though she regularly makes resolutions to increase her practice of physical activity, they never tend to last very long. The FitSpirit Mother/Daughter Challenge has given her a new goal to work toward and she is hopeful that the experience will help her keep her fitness resolutions in the future.
Nancy believes that the practice of regular physical activity and sport has a positive impact on girls. Her daughter, Chloé, participates in a number of different sports and is particularly passionate about swimming. She’s part of a swim club, which has allowed her to make many new friends. Although swimming is an individual sport, Chloé belongs to a team where girls encourage and support one another while having fun.
Nancy is wholeheartedly committed to FitSpirit’s cause. She believes that physical activity allows girls to not only become more fit, but also to reap many important secondary benefits. This includes the sense of pride that comes from recognizing one’s own progress as well as the self-management skills necessary to keep up an athletic lifestyle.
Nancy is an experienced tax specialist who assists companies in various sectors, including the insurance industry. She is also a managing partner of the Quebec City offices of Ernst & Young. She is proud of the relationship of trust she has developed with her clients over time and loves being part of a team that helps entrepreneurs excel. Additionally, she is involved in the major gifts committee of Centraide and sits on the board of directors of the Palais Montcalm.