Sports foster inclusion and diversity
Evangelia discovered sports at a young age in a simple world where the only rules were pleasure and play. She’d leave the house, accompanied by her three sisters, surrounded by friends, early in the morning and would only come home when it got too dark to play. She swam a lot and biked—two sports that she still does today whenever she has the time. Throughout her life, she’s always been keen on taking advantage of nature’s beauty for long walks in the forest or a ride on two wheels. Today, in her busy life as a professional and a mom, Evangelica manages to train a few times a week, either at the gym or at home. For her, it’s vital to her physical and mental well-being.
For this mother of three daughters, sports are also a great way to connect with her kids, to share a family activity and to help them gain self-confidence. In her heart, she knows that sports and physical activity are ideal for fostering diversity and inclusion in life. No wonder she’s excited about taking part in the FitSpirit Mother-Daughter Challenge with her daughters. For these four dynamic women, it’s a chance to work as a team to reach an important goal, something that’s perfectly aligned with their values.
Professionally, Evangelia began her career in commercial credit at the age of 23, which means she’s been working in this competitive field for 26 years, all of them with Scotiabank. Since the beginning of her career, she’s been as involved as possible in causes that help women take their rightful place in business, as well as in those related to health and diversity. Over the years, she herself has had to find her place in a world that was primarily reserved for men, especially early on. And, despite the challenges, or perhaps because of them, Evangelica is eager to point out the positive role that sports have played in helping her build her own self-confidence, something she strives to share with other women so they, too, can feel and do their very best.